Live Electric Tours among the TOP-20 Portuguese Startups in Tourism sector

Live Electric Tours is once again recognized by stakeholders in the Tourism sector, integrating the list published by NEST (Portuguese Tourism Innovation Center), together with Turismo de Portugal and Portugal Ventures. This list presents the most innovative startups in the sector, and we should pay more attention to next year 2021, the year in which the tourism sector is expected to resume globally.

This top-20 list, where, in addition to Live Electric Tours, there are startups like “HiJiffy”, “Try Portugal”, or “Wide Ocean Retreat”, was elaborated considering factors such as the use of Artificial Intelligence, promotion of Marketplaces, Human Resources, Transport, among others.

“The selection of projects was not easy, and we paid attention to several factors such as the technological base, the innovation they bring to the tourism area, or the value they bring to the market, due to the responses they bring to their needs. We also considered the economic impact that these startups could have in their area of activity, their potential for economic valuation and scalability, public recognition, and visibility in the tourism ecosystem, including the attribution of national or international awards”. Roberto Antunes, Executive Director of NEST

Thus, continues the path of hard work and constant innovation, which allows Live Electric Tours to continue to follow a route towards success and recognition by stakeholders in the Tourism sector.

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